At GCPWA we create and find interesting stories, news, and experiences every day. Sharing with others through our blog is a key part of our mission and vision to be the leading resource in serving and advancing Christian professional women around the world. From tips on how to reach your professional and personal goals to learning how to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating right, the GCPWA blog is a place for Christ lovers who happen to be professional women.
July 15, 2023
We get the same question every time - why is there a need for the Global Christian Professional Women’s Association (GCPWA) to exist? Why, out of so many existing organizations, does this particular one stand out? Admittedly, we were dubious at first - thinking that we might as well join the other women’s networks and programs that were readily available - Christian Women Business Owners, Christian Professional Women, National Association of Professional Women, and the Exceptional Women Fellowship and Networking were fine examples for a start.
But at the core, we find reason for being. And...
December 17, 2016
Year after year, it’s common to hear the phrase “Jesus is the reason for the season.” We often have to be reminded in the midst of endless advertisements, holiday shopping and general merriment that Christmas is a celebration of God’s gift of Christ to the world.
And this year is no different. In fact, this year we are especially distracted. For many of us, our hearts are heavy and we are still reeling from a series of tragic events. We’ve experienced and witnessed numerous natural disasters, tremendous violence in our country and the sudden deaths of men and women who we’ve...
November 24, 2016
Since answering God’s call to launch the Global Christian Professional Women’s Association (GCPWA), I have met many amazing women of faith who are making a deep impact in companies and organizations across the world. These women have been blessed with intellect, talent and positions of influence, and are significant contributors to our world’s growing and innovation-driven economy. But what shines brighter than their talents and their accomplishments, is their understanding of the principle that they must always be willing to give more than they receive.
The bible says in Deuteronomy...
October 15, 2016
Tell Me No Lies. And we can both win with the truth or as Anna Karenina once said, “Anything is better than lies and deceit!”
Relationships are complicated these days. It seems that truth has become something we no longer value. Telling untruths seems to be becoming more tolerable in dating, and regrettably in marriage. When you are in a relationship with someone, mutual trust and respect must be at the forefront of that relationship.
Decisions are being made based on the information that you receive. It is not possible for you to make the right decision for yourself if the...
July 7, 2016
Ah… this week we celebrated the widely cherished Independence Day – the day Americans commemorate as the day the United States established itself as a free and independent nation.
To some, it might be a day of fireworks and all that good stuff. But for Christians, it is a time to think about “What it means to be Free.” To most people, Americans might just be the most vocal group of people when it comes to the topic of freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom to act, freedom to do whatever one desires so long as it is morally right.
But freedom itself is a topic of subjectiveness....