Local Agenda

Our local agenda consists of four main drivers that we believe offer optimal support to our members and remain consistent with the kind of serving organization we strive to be.

Offer Prayer
GCPWA members can call in for prayer or email us their prayer requests. Our staff and volunteers will pray personally, and as a team, for each request that comes through. 

Offer Career Advice
If you’re going through it, chances are someone else has already been there. The challenges that professional women face each day are plentiful, and when it comes to making the right decisions that steer your career, it’s helpful to have the counsel of someone who knows where you’ve been — and perhaps even where you’re going. Our professional staff and volunteers will help steer your career when you’re needing advice on professional matters.

Support for Your Non-Profit
We believe non-profit organizations are the most vital and catalytic establishments in the world when it comes to cause-driven initiatives. Their very DNA endears them to serving others. That’s why we want to support our members’ non-profit entities. If the organization you’re aligned with provides a valuable service to our larger member body, we will seek ways to support the organization and help multiply its impact.

Promote Your Businesses
We subscribe to an abundance mentality when it comes to sharing information and resources and promoting each others’ businesses. We will provide a platform at the local level, primarily through our local chapters, for our members to promote their businesses and create synergistic business relationships.