Universal Agenda

Across the entire spectrum of our global agenda, we have three initiatives that we consider foundational, and will, therefore, be part of our holistic strategy. 

Annual Conference
The Bible reminds us that where two or three are gathered, God also shows up in amazing ways (Matthew 18:20). There is power and synergy in community that has been hard-wired into our souls by God Himself. Our annual conference allows a unique opportunity to come together to learn from one another, network with each other, hear from and be motivated by some of the best speakers in the world, but also to fellowship with the larger body of women in our organization. Attendees will leave renewed, refreshed, and empowered to take the next spiritual, professional, and personal hill.  

To learn about and register for our upcoming annual conference, click here

Mentorship Program
We provide a unique mentorship program where young, up-and-coming girls are matched with a more advanced professional woman who will help educate her younger protégé in the realities of business, adulthood, and growing into a more vibrant woman of God. 

Senior Initiative
Our Senior Initiative provides young girls between the ages of 18-21 the opportunity and the blessing to engage with women in adult/senior communities. Girls will engage with the seniors in activities like helping apply make-up on the seniors to bring good cheer, beauty, encouragement, and the Word of God to them in a powerful cross-generational exchange. 

To help fund this, and any of our other initiatives, please click here.